Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Division 5 at the Christmas Break
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Chess Programme on BBC4
Many people know the basic rules of chess, but few can play really well. This programme offers some essential tips on how to raise our game.
British grandmasters Dan King and Ray Keene go through a special demonstration game from opening gambit to checkmate, revealing the key moves that can lead to victory. They explain the opening, middle and end games, and how to outwit an opponent with techniques such as forks, pins and skewers.
Along the way the colourful and diverse world of British chess playing is celebrated, including speed chess and chess boxing, and useful advice is offered on how not to be humiliated by a child prodigy.
Also taking part are novelist Martin Amis, writer Dominic Lawson, Britain's youngest grandmaster David Howell and under-16 champion Sheila Dines.
Get those video recorders ready,
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Braunstone 4 (0.5 - 3.5) Heathcote Arms 2
I won my first game in ages, Rob had no problems, Pete had a sharp game which simplified into a king and pawn endgame with his having seven pawns to his opponent's five. Dave was a piece down and his game looked to be over until a mistake allowed him to equalise.
Jeff Toon (108)0-1 Pete Harrison (140)
Paul Martin (97) 0-1 Rob Ensor (135)
Steve Barlow (96) 0-1 Colin Ross (112)
John Impey (90) Draw Dave Ricketts (104)
Braunstone (4) 0.5 - 3.5 Heathcote Arms (2)
There were no losses for HA2 for the second week running, and it looks as though we head into the Christmas break at the top of Division five. Heathcote Arms 1 also look to be at the top of Division 1.
Well done everyone.
The next match for HA2 is on Thursday 14th January away at Ashby and is a Junior League Cup match.
Club night on Tuesday 14th December.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
No Major Screw Ups Against Hinckley
Rob Ensor (135) Draw Gary Compton (117)
John Manger (134) 1-0 Barry Bailey (116)
Colin Ross (112) Draw Terry Clay (99)
Ray Beach (90) 1-0 Douglas Opie (104)
Heathcote Arms (2) 3 - 1 Hinckley (2)
Well done everyone, especially to Dave whose rather scary Haka seemed to do the trick.
Next Tuesday, we are away against Braunstone 4.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Heathcote Arms (2) Draw Red Admiral (2)
John won his game first. Rob sacrificed a couple of pawns early on to lead his opponent's king into the open and then clobbered him. Rob's opponent,Mick, in a hopeless situation for at least the previous half an hour, eventually lost on time. When his flag dropped, he loudly proclaimed 'oh ****! I've lost!'- nobody else was surprised. I thought i had the edge for most of my game against Stan. He turned down my offer of a draw on the grounds that it would lose Red Admiral the match. Stan went on to sacrifice his queen to force mate.
Heathcote Arms (2) Vs Red Admiral (2)
Rob Ensor (135)1-0 Mick Slater (100)
John Manger (134) 1-0 Andy Carter (100)
Colin Ross (112) 0-1 Stan Parsons (83)
Ray Beach (90) 1-0 Default
Bonus 0-2
Total 3-3
Rob Ensor Vs Mick Slater
1 d4 d5, 2 c4 dxc4, 3 e3 b5, 4 Nc3 c6, 5 Nf3 Bg4, 6 Be2 f6, 7 b3 b4, 8 Ne4 f5, 9 Nc5 c3, 10 d5 Qxd5, 11 Qxd5 cxd5, 12 Bb5+ Kf7, 13 Ne5 Kf6, 14 f4 e6, 15 Ncd3 a6, 16 Be8 Ra7, 17 h3 Re7, 18 hxg4 Rxe8, 19 g5+ Ke7, 20 Ng6+ Kd8, 21 Nxh8 g6, 22 Rxh7 Nc6, 23 Nxg6 d4, 24 Nxf8 Rxf8, 25 a3 e5, 26 fxe5 Re8, 27 axb4 a5, 28 b5 Nxe5, 29 Nxe5 Rxe5, 30 Rxa5 Ne7, 31 Ra7 dxe3, 32 Rh8+ Ng8, 33 Rxg8+ Re8, 34 Ra8+ Kc7, 35 Rxe8 Kd6,
36 Rxe3 c2, 37 Rd8+ Kc7, 38 Rd5 f4, 39 Re6 Kc8, 40 Re7 f3, 41 gxf3 Black Lost on Time
Well done everyone.
On Tuesday we play at home against Hinckley (the handbook is wrong about the date).
This is followed by a match away against Braunstone 4 on Tuesday 8th December which will be our last match before the Christmas break.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Victory away at Red Admiral
Red Admiral 3 v Heathcote Arms 2
1 B 129 Hewitt, Graham 0-1 Manger, John 134
2 W 100 Carter, Andy 1-0 Ross, Colin 112
3 B 80 Carter, Amber ½-½ Ricketts, Dave 104
4 W 80 Burton, Calvin 0-1 Beach, Ray 90
Well done everyone. This was RA2s first loss of the season. We play the Red Admiral again on Tuesday - this time, at our place and as part of the Junior League Cup.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Melton Mowbray (3) Draw Heathcote Arms (2)
Firstly, the Captain lost ('surely not!' you cry), playing white against Roy Toon's French Defence. In a sharp game where both had chances, Dave proved that - actually -he can win with the black pieces. Rob ran in to trouble and dropped a pawn against Ian Farquharson.
The last two games were real nailbiters with both Ray and John looking roughly equal with their opponents. John agreed a draw. Ray had offered his opponent a draw earlier and had been turned down - now he needed a win for us to draw the match - which, of course, he did. Ray promoted a pawn, and though there was still a struggle, Ray got him.
Melton Mowbray 3 v Heathcote Arms 2
1 B 135 Farquharson, Ian 1-0 Ensor, Rob 135
2 W 107 Smith, Peter ½-½ Manger, John 134
3 B 109 Toon, Roy 1-0 Ross, Colin 112
4 W 80 O'Gorman, David 0-1 Ricketts, Dave 104
5 B 80 Keightley, Andrew 0-1 Beach, Ray 90
A decent result.
Well done everyone.
Next Wednesday, we are away against Red Admiral 3. Rob is away, so, just the four boards this time.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Heathcote Arms 2 (3-1) Syston 3
This was Rob Ensor's first outing for HA2. Rob used to play for the University a few years back. He recently took part in the Intermediate section of the Atkins Congress and with three draws and two wins managed to walk away with a share in the prizemoney. Welcome Rob.
We outgraded our opponents by some way, but the games were close.
I lost in a king and pawn endgame in a game where the advantage had changed hands at least three or four times. Rob dropped a piece early on, but managed to regain it and was able to promote a rook pawn just ahead of a chasing king. Ray was able to trap his opponent's queen early on and exchange it off for a knight (Ray is on fire at the moment with two wins and two draws from the first four games). Pete exchanged a piece for two pawns early on and things looked very close for a long time before he triumphed in the endgame.
A few beers were had in the bar afterwards.
Heathcote Arms (2) 3 - 1 Syston (3)
Pete Harrison (140) 1-0 Ron King (105)
Rob Ensor (135) 1-0 Judith Mitton (90)
Colin Ross (112) 0-1 Mo Martin (90)
Ray Beach (90) 1-0 Reg Agger (82)
Well done everyone.
Our next match is on Wednesday 11th and is away at Melton Mowbray.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Disaster at Wigston
Readers may remember that this was where we lost our chance of winning the Junior Cup in last year's final round. The gradings of our sides were only 11 points apart - so no bonuses.
Dave was the first to fall, with an early piece blunder; John had looked alright earlier, but ran into trouble on board 1; Ray accepted his opponent's third draw offer, and i found myself a pawn down in a blocked position with no real hope of progress - so resigned.
Wigston Heathcote Arms
B Cooper (118) 1-0 John Manger (134)
C Eastlake (117) 1-0 Colin Ross (112)
F Hulford (114) 1-0 Dave Ricketts (104)
P Winterton (102) Draw Ray Beach (90)
Bonus 0-0
Score 3.5-0.5
Well done to Ray.
On Tuesday, we play at home to Syston 3 and we get to try out a new secret weapon.
Friday, 23 October 2009
HA2 Victorious at Hinckley
Afterwards, Howard told both sides how useless they all were.
Scores on the doors were:
B Bailey (116) Draw John Manger (134)
T Clay (99) 1-0 Colin Ross (112)
J Smith (85) 0-1 Dave Ricketts (104)
D Chizra (80) 0-1 Ray Beach (90)
Hinckley (2) 1.5-2.5 Heathcote Arms (2)
Our first victory of the season.
A break for half term now. We have a League Cup match away against Wigston on Thursday 29th October, and our next League match is at home against Syston 3 on Tuesday November 3rd.
Well done everyone,
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Shaky Start to Season for Heathcote Arms 2
John dropped a piece early on. Ray drew. Dave lost and was rather angry with himself.
From a winning position, i managed to throw the advantage away, but my opponent agreed a draw about 5 seconds before my flag dropped.
Heathcote Arms (2) Vs Braunstone (4)
John Manger (134) 0 -1 Paul Martin (97)
Colin Ross (112) Drawn Steve Barlow (96)
Dave Ricketts (104) 0-1 Guy Closs (95)
Ray Beach (90) Drawn John Impey (90)
Score 1-3
Next match for HA2 is on Thursday 15th away against Hinckley.
Well done everyone.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Near Miss at Home Against Syston
Heathcote Arms Vs Syston
John Manger (139) 1,0 Vs J Leonard (121) 1,0
Colin Ross (90) 0,0 Vs Stuart Hollingworth (116) 1,1
Dave Ricketts (90) 1,0 Vs R Stone (100) 1,0
Ray Beach (74) 0,1 Vs R King (100) 0,1
3 Points Vs 5 Points
Ray played especially well and was unfortunate not to take both points.
Well done everyone.
Atkins Congress this weekend.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Leicester Chess Congress 2009
Friday, 4 September 2009
Harrod Cup 4th Round
board 1 Ross, Colin 93 1-0 1-0 104 Slater, Mick
board 2 Ricketts, Dave 95 Drawn 0-1 95 Winterton, George
board 3 Beach, Ray 75 1-0 0-1 80 Carter, Andy
board 4 **DEFAULT** 87 0-1 0-1 Parsons, Stan
Heathcote Arms 3.5 Vs Red Admiral (2) 4.5
Well done everyone.
Graham Sharpe 192 (Rapid 169)
Dave Bray 168 (Rapid 162)
Graham Booley 157 (Rapid 133)
Mike Cowley 148 (Rapid 154)
Pete Harrison 141 (Rapid 147)
John Manger 134 (Rapid 139)
Colin Ross 112 (Rapid 90)
Dave Ricketts 104 (Rapid 90)
Ray Beach 90 (Rapid 74)
Herve Tribouilloy 62 (Rapid 37)
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Club Night At The Heathcote
Raymond Keene has sent me a copy of Chess For Tigers by Simon Webb for solving the Sunday Times Winning Move Thingy. A great prize except that i already own a copy. If anybody wants it let me know, otherwise we can use it as a prize for winning games (or, perhaps, the most stupid move) at a future club night.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Heathcote Arms Collapse in 3rd Round of the Harrod
The second round was disasterous with us all losing (and we couldn't even blame the Polish Lager). Herve's game was closer than in the first (Yuki Okuda clearly being stronger than his nominal 80 grading), Dick lost having missed a winning sacrifice on h7, Dave was outplayed and i lost on time despite being a bishop up.
The results were:
Loughborough Vs Heathcote Arms
Peter Hickman (139) 0.5/1 - 0.5/0 Dick Salter (129)
Barnabas Osigho (125) 1/1 - 0/0 Dave Ricketts (95)
Michael Fraser (100) 0.5/1 - 0.5/0 Colin Ross (93)
Yuki Okuda (80) 1/1 - 0/0 Herve Tribouilloy (60)
Score 7 -1
Commiserations everyone.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Victory Against Spinney Hill 2 in 2nd Round of Harrod Cup
The results were:
Pete Harrison 0/0.5 - 1/0.5 Karl Potter
Dave Ricketts 1/1-0/0 Stevan Preocanin
Colin Ross 1/1-0/0 Rich Davis
Ray Beach 0/0-1/1 Alan Butler
Well done everyone.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Jim Miller - Graham Booley 0.5-0.5
John Glover - Dave Ricketts 1-0
John Dawkins - Ray Beach 1-0
Greg Adcock - Colin Ross 1-0
So we will have to win the Birstall Cup instead.
Friday, 29 May 2009
1st Round Harrod Cup Draw Against Ashby
Lea Adlard (128) 0-1, 0-1 Pete Harrison (144)
David Reynolds (126) 0-1, 0-1 Dick Salter (129)
Paul Gibson (122) 1-0, 1-0 Dave Ricketts (97)
Nick Wyld (115) 1-0, 1-0 Colin Ross (93)
Well done Pete and Dick,
Friday, 15 May 2009
Wigston B 3-2 Littlethorpe D in Last Round of D34 Cup
The differences in grading gave us a 1.5 point lead, meaning that a win and a draw from four boards was all that we needed. Unfortunately, Aaron called fifteen minutes before the start of the match to tell us that he could not make it.
In the calculation of bonuses, we had to discount Aaron's grade, and average out the grades of the remaining three players. The bonus therefore became 1 point rather than 1.5. With our bottom board defaulted, our two sides were now even at one point each, but Wigston had the stronger side.
The results were:
Wigston B 3-2 Littlethorpe D
Barrie Cooper (119) 0-1 Dick Salter (132)
Frank Hulford (123) 1-0 Colin Ross (100)
Charles Eastlake (124) 1-0 Ray Beach (99)
Paul Winterton (118) 1-0 Default (110)
Dick won an excellent game.
Well done to Wigston B.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Littlethorpe (5) 2-2 Syston (3)
Ray agreed to swop places with Alan Goodwin to help Littlethorpe 3 out. We defaulted a board.
I swindled a win. Dave dominated in his game. Alan ran into time trouble, but otherwise could have won.
Littlethorpe (5) 2-2 Syston (3)
board 1 Ross, Colin 100 1-0 111 Creasey, John
board 2 Ricketts, Dave 100 1-0 UG Mitton, Judith
board 3 Goodwin, Alan 85 0-1 85 Agger, Reg
board 4 **DEFAULT** 0-1 UG Sanghani, Tam
Result: 2-2
Over the season we have had 2 wins, 6 draws and 10 losses. A good season's performance, i think, given that we were outgraded on every board for almost every match. All of us: Dave, Ray, Aaron, Herve and myself have had wins and have played above our grades.
In the D34 Cup, we have been even better. It all comes down to tonight...
Well done everyone,
Friday, 8 May 2009
Littlethorpe (5) 1-3 Wigston (5)
Littlethorpe (5) 1-3 Wigston (5)
Colin Ross (100) Draw Paul Gray (128)
Dave Ricketts (100) 0-1 David White (123)
Ray Beach (99) Draw Charles Eastlake (124)
Herve Tribouilloy (62) 0-1 Denis Wilkins (122)
Well done everyone,
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Spinney Hill 3 (3-1) Littlethorpe 5
The scores on the doors were:
Spinney Hill 3 (3-1) Littlethorpe 5
Dave Pyke (138) Draw Dave Ricketts (100)
John Colver (127) 1-0 Colin Ross (100)
Stevan Preocanin (121) Draw Ray Beach (99)
Alan Butler (103) 1-0 Default
Well done Dave and Ray.
Our next League game is against Wigston 5 at The Heathcote, in Croft, on Tuesday 5th May.
As Littlethorpe D, we now have a date for our fifth round match in the D34 Cup. We will be playing away against Wigston B on Thursday 14th May - a win would secure us the silverware.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Littlethorpe 5 Panned by Ashby 3
We played away against Ashby 3, this season's 4th division champions, already promoted. Our best performance was by Ray who lasted longer than the rest of us.
Results were:
Steve Rigby (140) 1-0 Dave Ricketts (100)
Paul Gibson (135) 1-0 Colin Ross (100)
Vic Armstrong (121) 1-0 Ray Beach (99)
David Reynolds (119) 1-0 Aaron Engels (82)
Ashby (3) 4 - 0 Littlethorpe (5)
Commiserations everyone.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Littlethorpe D Still At The Top Of The Table After 4 Rounds
Black had just played 47...Nf6+
From here i played 48 Rxf6+ and Fritz gave me a touche! Black then played 48... Kxf6, and my flag dropped. 49 e7 would then have won for me (49 e7 Bd6 50 e8Q Kxg6 51 Re6+ Kg7 52. Rxd6 Rxf7 53 Qe5+ Kh7 54 Qh5+ Kg8 55 Qg6+ Kf8 56 Rd8+ Ke7 57 Qd6#). Sorry, everyone.
Results were:
Loughbrough B Vs Littlethorpe D
G Adcock (139) Draw Yannis Karsisiotis (154)
B Osigho (125) 0-1 Dick Salter (132)
M Fraser (100) 1-0 Colin Ross (100)
M Adcock (80) 0-1 Ray Beach (99)
Bonus 1-0
Match Result 2.5-2.5 A Draw
At the time of writing, not all the results have been posted for this round - but, with one round to go, we are in the lead on 7 points, and Loughbrough B and Wigston B are both on 6 points. Hinckley may (or may not) also be on 6 points.
Well done everyone.
The next Littlethorpe 5 match is on Thursday 23rd April away against Ashby 3.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Syston 2 (2-2) Littlethorpe 5
Fresh from a weekend of 4NCL games (and 7.5 hours of defending), Dave was in the mood for attack. This resulted in an early win. Ray then won against John Creasey, I lost against Stuart Hollingworth, and Alan lost out to Ron King in the endgame.
Liz Gist 121 (0-1) Dave Ricketts 100
Stuart Hollingworth 116 (1-0) Colin Ross 100
John Creasey 111 (0-1) Ray Beach 99
Ron King 105 (1-0) Alan Goodwin
Outgraded on every board again - this was a decent team result and good wins for both Dave and Ray. Well done everyone.
This Thursday, as Littlethorpe D, we will be playing away at Loughbrough in the fourth round of the D34 Cup with everything (the Cup) to play for.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Littlethorpe 5 (2-2) Braunstone 4
John Impey wasn't well - so Braunstone defaulted a board.
I lost after an attack went hideously wrong. Herve lost too. Aaron managed a nice win against Guy Closs.
The results were:
Littlethorpe 5 (2-2) Braunstone 4
Colin Ross (100) 0 - 1 Jeff Toon (127)
Aaron Engels (82) 1- 0 Guy Closs (107)
Herve Tribouilloy (62) 0 - 1 Paul Martin (105)
Dave Ricketts (100) 1 - 0 Default
Well done Aaron and Dave.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Ashby 4 (2-2) Littlethorpe 5
Ashby 4 (2-2) Littlethorpe 5
Richard Williams (111) 1 - 0 Dave Ricketts (100)
Peter Page (110) 0-1 Colin Ross (100)
Neil Roberts (97) 0-1 Ray Beach (99)
Matthew Storer (80) 1-0 Herve Tribouilloy (62)
Well done everyone.
On Tuesday 10th March we play at home against Braunstone 4 - we drew with them last time.
oops - Herve is left handed too
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Littlethorpe 5 (1-3) Red Admiral 2
The results were:
Littlethorpe 5 (1-3) Red Admiral 2
Colin Ross (100) 0 - 1 Paul Wyley (130)
Dave Ricketts (100) 1-0 Mick Slater (110)
Ray Beach (99)0-1 Stan Parsons (110)
Aaron Engels (82) 0-1 Andy Carter (110)
Our next League match is on Thursday 5th March away against Ashby 4.
As Littlethorpe D, in the D34 Cup (which we are still winning after three rounds) we will be playing away against Loughbrough B, our nearest rivals, on Thursday 26th March.
Well done Dave,
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Littlethorpe 5 Draw Away at Oadby
Dave played board 1 against Don Candlin, i played board 2 against Mike Thornton, and Ray played Ted Williams. We defaulted board 4.
I managed to lose a piece fairly early on and after that i had difficulty in keeping anything together. After 32 moves, things looked like this:

A bishop down with the black pieces, i knew that i was going to lose unless i did something immediately. I played 33... Qd3
34 Rc1 would have won for white, but instead, Mike played 34 Kg1 allowing me onto the seventh rank. 34...Rc2 and it was all over, 35 Qa1, Qe2 and White resigned unable to prevent the inevitable. I was very lucky to get away with this.
Dave had played well and the position had looked very drawish. Material was down to queens and pawns, when Dave put his queen on the wrong square leaving it en prise (Sorry Dave).
This left our hopes of drawing the match with Ray. It was down to rook and a knight each with the centre blocked with lots of pawns. Time was getting short for both players. Ted felt that he had the better position and was playing for a win, having rejected Ray's offer of a draw (which would have won Oadby the match). Players crowded around the table and the Oadby team watched powerless to say anything as Ted's flag dropped whilst he stared at the board. So, Ray won giving Littlethorpe 5 a draw and our first league point in quite a while.
Well done everyone. Next for L5, we are playing at home on Tuesday 17th against Red Admiral 2.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Littlethorpe D Continue Run of Victories in D34 Cup
Melton had defaulted a board giving us a point, and with another 2 point bonus due to grade difference, Littlethorpe only needed a draw from three games to win, and even if we had lost all three games, we would still have drawn the match.
The first result settled the match as Herve scored a great win against Peter Poolan. I sketched out the position shortly before the end (below). Herve, with the white pieces, was a knight and a pawn up, and had just moved the pawn to g5. From this position, he was able to force his way through.

Aaron, also scored an impressive win against Peter Smith. A back rank combination won Peter's queen, and mate was not far behind.
Ray had been losing by a piece, but managed to equalise on material with a queen and a minor piece against two rooks and a minor piece, but time was against him.
The results were:
Littlethorpe D Melton B
Ray Beach (99) 0 Ian Farquharson (125) 1
Aaron Engels (82) 1 Peter Smith (109) 0
Herve Tribouilloy (62) 1 Peter Poolan (104) 0
Colin Ross (100) 1 Default (113) 0
Bonus 2
Final Score:
Littlethorpe D 5 Melton B 1
Well done everyone. A tremendous effort.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Littlethorpe (5) 2 - 3 Spinney Hill (3)
As usual, each of us were outgraded by our opponents.
A look around the room after the first hour had boards 1,3,4 and 5 all equal on material with Dave a Bishop and a Pawn up.
Sadly, Herve later succumbed to a knight fork against his two rooks.
With six pawns and a Bishop (me) against six pawns and a mischievous looking Knight (my opponent), i agreed to a draw.
Aaron then won his game in 28 moves.
Ray, having at one point lost his queen, but then managing to trap his opponents and win their's, eventually lost too.
This left Dave requiring a win to draw the match, but in a rook and pawn versus rook endgame, it didn't work out and a draw on the second board was agreed.
The results were:
Littlethorpe (5) 2 - 3 Spinney Hill (3)
Colin Ross (100) Draw Dave Pyke (138)
Dave Ricketts (100) Draw John Colver (127)
Ray Beach (99) 0 - 1 Stevan Preocanin (121)
Aaron Engels (82) 1 - 0 Rich Davis (121)
Herve Tribouilloy (62) 0 - 1 Maurice Cooper (90)
Here was Aaron's game. Aaron had the white pieces:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Nf3 Ne4 5. Qc2 Bxc3+ 6.
bxc3 d5 7. e3 Nf6 8. Ba3 c6 9. Bd3 Nbd7 10. O-O dxc4 11. Bxc4 Nb6 12. Bd3 h6
13. Rfe1 Nbd7 14. Rad1 Qa5 15. Bb4 Qc7 16. e4 a5 17. Ba3 g5 18. c4 b6 19. Bb2
Bb7 20. c5 b5 21. a4 b4 22. Bc4 Ba6 23. d5 Bxc4 24. Qxc4 cxd5 25. exd5 O-O-O
26. c6 Nb6 27. Qa6+ Kb8 28. Be5 1-0
Our next League match is away against Oadby on Wednesday 11th February. However, (as Littlethorpe D in the D34 Cup) we will meet at Home against Melton B on Tuesday, February 3rd (now Tuesday 10th because of snow).
Well done everyone.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Wigston (5) 3 - 1 Littlethorpe (5)
The match went like this:
Wigston (5) 3-1 Littlethorpe (5)
B Cooper (119) 1-0 C Ross (100)
C Eastlake (124) 1-0 R Beach (99)
D Wilkins (122) Draw A Engels (82)
P Winterton (118) Draw H Tribouilloy (62)
On Tuesday 20th January, we do battle against Spinney Hill 3, at home, over five boards.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Littlethorpe D (3.5) - (2) Ashby in League 3/4 Cup
Aaron, and then Ray, both won their games. I lost, but the match was already won.
Littlethorpe D (3.5) - (2) Ashby
Colin Ross (100) 0 - 1 David Reynolds (119)
Ray Beach (99) 1 - 0 Nick Wyld (115)
Aaron Engels (82) 1 - 0 Peter Page (110)
Default 0 - 1 Neil Roberts (97)
Bonus 1.5 - 0
Well done Ray and Aaron.
On Thursday 15th, we turn back into Littlethorpe 5 and will be playing away against Wigston 5.