Friday, 4 September 2009

Harrod Cup 4th Round

Unfortunately, we were a player down on Wednesday when we played Red Admiral 2 in the Harrod Cup 4th round. We came close to drawing the match, however, and with a fourth player who knows what might have been?

board 1 Ross, Colin 93 1-0 1-0 104 Slater, Mick
board 2 Ricketts, Dave 95 Drawn 0-1 95 Winterton, George
board 3 Beach, Ray 75 1-0 0-1 80 Carter, Andy
board 4 **DEFAULT** 87 0-1 0-1 Parsons, Stan

Heathcote Arms 3.5 Vs Red Admiral (2) 4.5

Well done everyone.


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