Thursday, 1 August 2013

Harrod Cup Third Round

I am a bit behind with updating the site. I hope to put this right over the next day or two.

On the 16th, I had food poisoning, so Ray stepped in as Captain.

A 4.5 to 3.5 point win gave us our first win, this year, in the Horrid Cup.
16 JulSyston 2W - BB - WHeathcote Arms 1
3½ - 4½
195Martin, Maurice0 - 10 - 1Manger, John143
288Mundy, Rob1 - 00 - 1Beach, Ray99
383Adams, Mick1 - 0½ - ½Harbidge, Drew67
465Morelli, Nando0 - 11 - 0Milner, Gordon50

Well done everyone,


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