Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Braunstone 6 Vs HA3

Graham H had some fun on board 1. Gordon went material ahead and hung on. A slower and more deliberate Drew played well, but did not take the point. Ray went a piece up against Conor early on. The late middlegame looked completely even, however, and Ray offered Conor a draw. Conor thought for a long time, before shaking Ray's hand and saying that he would rather play on. Ray went on to lose in the endgame.

The match result was a draw.

05 FebBraunstone 6vHeathcote Arms 3
2 - 2
1B100Khawaja, Okash0 - 1Hewitt, Graham110
2W85Reid, Connor1 - 0Beach, Ray91
3B90Gulab, Vijay1 - 0Harbidge, Drew60
4W80Ridge, David0 - 1Milner, Gordon43

Graham's game below:


The Grinder is at it again. Warwickshire 2013:
Please let John know if you want to go.

Next Week

HA1 play at home in the League Cup on Tuesday, and away in the League at Wigston 2 on Thursday.

Club night on Tuesday, or a week off for the rest of us.

Well Done Everyone,


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