Saturday, 22 January 2011

The Curse of the Phils

Graham B Reports:

Disaster at Wigston having lost against Wigston 1 the week before, as expected.
We went on Thursday to play Wigston 2 with high expectations of a win to consolidate our 2nd place behind Wigston 1.
Oh dear, we lost 3.5-1.5
Graham S lost to Phil Horspool who had prepped something for Graham
Mike lost badly to Phil Watkinson
I thought I was winning against Phil Harlow and seemed to lose my way and lost.
This must be Curse of the Phil's!!
The only positive to come out of the night was what I believe to be Dave Bray's 1st win against Andy Morley.

Graham B 

20 JanWigston 2vHeathcote Arms 1
3½ - 1½
1B186Horspool, Philip1 - 0Sharpe, Graham192
2W178Morley, Andrew0 - 1Bray, Dave168
3B157Dodds, Iain½ - ½Ganger, Rajan167
4W152Watkinson, Phil1 - 0Cowley, Michael156
5B145Harlow, Phil1 - 0Booley, Graham153

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