Thursday, 11 April 2013

HA3 and HA1 at home.

Everybody managed to fit into the dining room, and the Grinder and Sajan also found room to give us support.

HA3 Vs Kirby Muxloe 3

Drew scored an early win. I started off badly but was able swap off material and improve. Ray had looked alright in a game where there were material imbalances, but went on to lose. Gordon was our last man to finish.

09 AprHeathcote Arms 3vKirby Muxloe 3
2 - 2
1B119Ross, Colin1 - 0Lund, Malcom95
2W91Beach, Ray0 - 1Shaw, Peter75
3B60Harbidge, Drew1 - 0Slater, Tony80
4W43Milner, Gordon0 - 1Bowles, Les52

Here is my game with the black pieces against Malcolm Lund.

HA1 Vs Wigston 1

I did not see much of these games, but did watch Graham B trying to hold out against Andy Morley two pawns down in a bishop and pawn endgame - it was not to be.

Post match analysis showed that Pete accepted a draw offer from Phil Horspool in a game that Pete should have gone on to win.

09 AprHeathcote Arms 1vWigston 1
1½ - 3½
1B196Sharpe, Graham0 - 1Byron, Alan193
2W174Ganger, Rajan½ - ½Burrows, Martin191
3B151Harrison, Peter½ - ½Horspool, Philip178
4W152Booley, Graham0 - 1Morley, Andrew173
5B147Cowley, Michael½ - ½Cohen, Gerry179

This Thursday, HA2 play away against Willowbrook 2.

Well done everyone,


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