Wednesday, 3 November 2010

HA3 Vs Red Admiral 2, and HA1 Vs Braunstone 1

There were two matches at home again this Tuesday.

HA3 Vs Red Admiral 2
HA3 was outgraded on every board. The first result was a loss for Gary against Stan. Gary lasted longer than in previous matches and is showing signs of improvement. The next result was a draw for Brian against Amber. This had looked equal for a long time, although Amber began to take control in the end game. Brian fought back and was able to force a draw be perpetual check. Great result. In my game, Andy blundered a piece quite early on, but made me work for the win. Ray had been a piece for a pawn down, but regained the piece during extra time. After some swaps, it was Ray's King and Pawn against King and he could not be stopped - Ray, yet again, snatching victory from the jaws of seemingly inevitable defeat. With the final result being 2.5 to 1.5 in our favour, this was HA3's first League victory of the season.

02 NovHeathcote Arms 3vRed Admiral 2
2½ - 1½
1B102Ross, Colin1 - 0Carter, Andy111
2W90Beach, Ray1 - 0Slater, Mick108
3B80Martin, Brian½ - ½Carter, Amber94
4W80Sanders, Gary0 - 1Parsons, Stan92

HA1 Vs Braunstone 1
Grandmaster Mark Hebden was in action for Braunstone. I did not see a lot of this match and cannot really add much - although there is a match report on the new Braunstone website

02 NovHeathcote Arms 1vBraunstone 1
2 - 3
1B167Ganger, Rajan0 - 1Hebden, Mark242
2W168Bray, Dave½ - ½Colburn, Paul167
3B156Hewitt, Sean½ - ½Robinson, John170
4W156Cowley, Michael0 - 1Salisbury, Michael167
5B153Booley, Graham1 - 0Bingham, James157

Christmas Do
The Red Admiral have suggested a Christmas challenge. Last Easter we played a pairs competition, with some food laid on, at their place, for the George Winterton Trophy. This was a good night and Christmas seems like a good excuse to do it again - it would also be good to show some support for our new landlord. Further details will appear on the blog when we have them.

Upcoming Matches.
Tuesday 9th November at home against Wigston 2.
Thursday 18th November away against Shepshed 1.

Wednesday 10th November away against Melton Mowbray 3.
Tuesday 16th November away against Braunstone 3.

Thursday 11th November away against, new club, Kirby Castlers, then a long break before -
Thursday 16th December away against Spinney Hill 2.

Keith Arkell Simul
If you would like to try your hand against a Grandmaster, Keith Arkell will be playing a simultaneous display at Braunstone Civic Centre on Friday at 7.30PM. Cost £10 and includes some refreshments. There are still some boards available. If you don't want to join in, you can still go along and watch.

Well done everyone,


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