Sunday, 24 March 2013

Minor and Major League Cup 5th Round

I got a bit aggressive early, but messed things up.

Chris had been doing alright against a new but decent Braunstone player.

Ray had been all over the reigning Atkins Minor Champion, but let it slip away. Fritz had Ray winning up until move 36.

Seeing that Ray was about to lose, Graham H offered his opponent a draw and had it accepted.

That Red Admiral butterfly was fluttering about the alley again - we must return it to Stan Parsons.

19 MarHeathcote Arms 2vBraunstone 2GD
½ - 3½28
Handicap½ - 0
1 - 3½
1W119Ross, Colin0 - 1Oliver, John1223
2B110Hewitt, Graham½ - ½Robinson, Anthony12010
3W91Beach, Ray0 - 1Hoch, Toby10615
4B80Johnson, Chris0 - 1Hamby, Stephen800

On the same evening in the alley, HA1 drew over the board, but lost on the handicap.

19 MarHeathcote Arms 1vLatimer 1GD
2 - 2-19
Handicap0 - ½
2 - 2½
1B196Sharpe, Graham½ - ½Nwachukwu, Chino172-24
2W174Ganger, Rajan1 - 0Potter, Karl160-14
3B131Manger, John½ - ½Foreman, Brian14918
4W129Ganger, S0 - 1Hill, Granville1301

Ray's game below:

This coming week: No matches, but a club night on Tuesday at the arms.

Well done everyone,


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