Wednesday, 3 September 2008

25 Years of Chess

Littlethorpe Chess CLub formed 25 years ago in 1983 as Aylestone Chess Club and to celebrate a Littlethorpe -v- The Rest of the League match was played last night to celebrate. Played over 21 boards, each player played his opponent twice (once with each colour - ala Harrod / Wylie Cup) in all your moves in 30 minutes rapid play with food laid on at half time, courtesy of Jim and Tina from The Plough.

The match was delicately poised at 9½-10½ to the visitors at half time but, despite a valiant effort, the match was eventually lost 19-23. Nevertheless a fun time was had by all, and we look forward to the 30 year anniversary!
Board Littlethorpe White Black

The Rest



1 Clarke, Brandon 1-0 1-0 Morley, Andy
2 Hewitt, Sean ½-½ 1-0 Miller, Jim
3 Salisbury, Mike ½-½ ½-½ Jex, Alan
4 Cowley, Mike 1-0 0-1 Farrall, David
5 Harrison, Pete 0-1 1-0 Colburn, Paul
6 Deacon, Paul 1-0 1-0 Watkinson, Phil
7 Graves, Chris ½-½ 0-1 Potter, Karl
8 Townsend, Ray 0-1 1-0 Pattinson, John
9 Sim, George 0-1 0-1 Tipper, Chris
10 Salter, Dick ½-½ 0-1 Hayden, Larry
11 Wylie, Steve 1-0 1-0 Reynolds, Dave
12 Johnson, Andy 1-0 0-1 Daniel, John
13 Draper, Peter 0-1 0-1 Robinson, Darryl
14 Townsend, Gary 0-1 0-1 Slater, Brian
15 Townsend, Arthur 0-1 1-0 Lathwood, Roy
16 Townsend, Andrew 1-0 1-0 Davis, Richard
17 Beach, Ray 0-1 0-1 Findley, Laurence
18 Ricketts, Dave 1-0 0-1 Findley, Paul
19 Engels, Aaron 1-0 ½-½ Closs, Guy
20 Townsend, Steve 0-1 0-1 Parsons, Stan
21 Tribouilloy, Herve 0-1 0-1 Butler, Alan
19 23

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