Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Braunstone 2 (3.5 - 0.5) HA3

03 OctBraunstone 2vHeathcote Arms 3
1B120Closs, Guy½½Ross, Colin122
2W124Reid, Patrick10Maconnachie, Richard94
3B105Gulab, Vijay10Harbidge, Drew90
4W96Barlow, Steve10Milner, Gordon39

Ray was also present as a supporter. The match was perhaps not as one sided as the score suggests. Gordon played well on board 4 and he and Steve were the last to finish.

Against me, Guy missed a win with 42...Qe1+ picking up the Bishop. I was so relieved that he missed this, that I offered a draw following my next move. My best hope was Qf8 followed by Qg7#, but getting the time to make these moves was far from certain. 


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